jeudi 24 avril 2014

Emm Barker: Female Hair Loss Solution

As a female, if you are facing thinning and losing hair, you are probably pretty stressed by it. However, you will not be worrying and causing more hair to drop once you understand some facts about female hair loss.

You see, in many cases, female hair loss is just a temporary occurance and hence, finding a hair loss solution to it is relatively easy.

Androgenetic alopecia is the hereditary form of baldness that affects 50 percent of men, and some women after 40. Female hair loss usually starts after menopause although it can begin earlier. The main reason for this is that estrogen levels decline. Hormonal changes cause hair to thin.

It is comforting to note that other than androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of hair loss in women, is a result of metabolic and hormonal changes. Thus, the hair loss is usually temporary. Also, unlike men, women rarely become totally bald. However, what females generally experience is the thinning of their hair.

For example, in the case of pregnancy, hair loss is temporary and should stop about 6 months after birth. When a woman is pregnant, a large amount of oestrogen is produced causing the hair follicles to go into their growth phase. Once the baby is born, the woman’s hormonal balance is restored. The reverse now happens with the hair follicles going into a hair loss phase. While nothing much can be done to prevent hair loss during this period, applying hair tonic to hasten hair re-growth can be a helpful solution.

Crash diets leading to rapid weight loss over a short period of time prompts excessive hair loss.

Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss but this usually only occurs after a prolonged period of time and in extreme cases.

Once stress levels are restored to normal levels, hair loss should stop. Thus, a good hair loss solution is to find ways to reduce stress!

Certain drugs can also cause hair to shed. The most common medical treatment that causes hair loss is chemotherapy. The drug medication attacks the hair cells, causing hair loss from the scalp. Certain prescription drugs (for thyroid hormone deficiency, diabetes and lupus) and dieting supplements are also causes of hair loss. Once these drug medications are stopped, the hair loss problem should disappear.

Other stresses to the hair may include frequent dyeing and chemicals eg. perming solutions applied to the hair. Generally, healthy hair can undergo these treatments without showing signs of stress, if they are not done too often. But if hair is not allowed a chance to recover from the constant application of hair chemicals, then it becomes brittle and starts to break off. Hair loss treatment products to help strengthen the follicles should help when applied to the scalp.

Once you understand what is happening to your hair, then seek out the right hair loss solution. In most cases, if the cause is temporary, then you can be assured that your problem will pass with the right remedy actions. However, for the more serious cases, do seek the professional help of a licensed dermatologist for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

Emm Barker :)

mardi 22 avril 2014

Emm Barker: The Truth About Female Hair Loss

When you talk about genetic hair loss most people think about the most common form of hair loss: male-pattern baldness. This is the type of hair loss that is passed on genetically to offspring from their mothers. Most often the recipients of this type of hair loss are men, but sometimes the gene can result in female hair loss.

While genetic baldness in men is identified by a receding hairline or balding crown, genetic hair loss in women is a bit different. In most cases, a woman will not lose her hair in spots only but will thin out evenly throughout the head. Sometimes, this thinning can be quite severe and result in the woman having to wear a wig to cover up her thinning tresses. While female hair loss almost never results in a completely bald head, it can be extreme enough to expose the scalp quite plainly.

For the woman facing this type of hair loss, there are a few hair loss treatment options that can be explored. They include shampoos, conditioners and topical treatments, such as Rogaine for women, which stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss; vitamin supplements; and stimulatory treatments such as massage and infra-red therapy. The most successful of these hair loss treatments are the topical treatments. While they are quite expensive, they produce the best results.

Hair loss due to chemical processes

No matter how healthy and strong your hair is today, you could experience severe hair loss after undergoing a harsh chemical process such as a perm or color. While almost all chemical hair fallout is due to operator error, the chance of it occurring is multiplied by chemical services that you perform on your hair at home. I’ve seen more than one case of female hair loss in clients who have bleached their hair at home, colored it over and then came to the salon for yet another bleaching. Not knowing this past history, the stylist used too strong a chemical, and the process resulted in hair loss.

Since most of these cases do not result in complete hair loss, the hair loss treatment options include protein treatments and other conditioning treatments to strengthen the remaining hair; a good hair cut that will remove most of the damage; and a gentle hair-care routine that will minimize further hair loss due to breakage. You should also refrain from using thermal styling tools and undergoing any further chemical procedures until the hair is completely grown out.

Hair loss due to stress

Cases of severe stress can literally cause handfuls of hair loss at a time. Women experiencing stressful conditions can experience female hair loss represented by thinning all over the head or in spots called alopecia areata. Alopecia areata means “Hair loss in spots or areas,” and can result in bald circular patches on one or more spots of the scalp. While this type of hair loss is alarming, it is not permanent. After the stress is removed, most sufferers of this type of hair loss regrow all of the hair that they lost.

In most cases, the hair loss treatment for stress-related hair loss is minimal. After ruling out other causes of hair loss, your doctor will likely recommend changes in your diet or ideas to help alleviate your stress. Keep in mind that it can take months for your hair to grow back even after the stressors have been eliminated.

Hair loss due to illness

Any type of extended illness or surgery can result in hair loss. Medications taken to combat certain types of illnesses can also cause your hair to become brittle and break or fall out altogether. The most identifiable type of hair loss is the loss associated with chemotherapy treatments. In most cases, this hair loss is complete and affects all areas of the body.

While there is little that can be done to prevent this type of hair loss or promote growth during illness, surgery or chemotherapy treatments, this type of female hair loss is also temporary. In most cases, full recovery of hair is made after the illness is over.

You can promote hair growth after the illness by getting regular trims and using growth enhancing shampoos and conditioners. Vitamin supplements may also be beneficial.

As you may have already guessed, hair loss in women is more common than we might think. And many may be experiencing hair loss and dismiss it as a natural occurrence that comes along with age. A lot of these women fail to seek the necessary hair loss treatment that can help them keep their remaining hair and regrow new hair. So, if you are experiencing hair loss, do not think that it is just because you are getting older. There may be something that you can do to keep the hair on your head from clogging your drain.

Emm Barker: Simple Steps For Beautiful Hair

There are a few things you can do on a regular basis that will improve the overall health and appearance of your hair, as well as a few things you can avoid. In general, here’s a few standards:

Brush your hair: Yep, the good old fashioned hundred strokes. This stimulates blood supply to the scalp, removes dead skin cells from the scalp before they can get infected, and distributes sebum over the hair shaft for moisturizing and protection. Bend over from the waist and hang limply while doing some of the brushing. Use a natural bristle brush or other gentle brush. Be careful and don’t hurry. Better to go slow and only get 30 strokes in, than go fast and risk breaking or pulling out your hair. Get into the habit of brushing your hair thoroughly before washing it.

Massage your scalp: Before you stop to groom and brush your hair during the day, make a point of doing a quick scalp massage first. Slip your fingers into your hair, and using just the pads of your fingers, massage in small circular motions over your scalp. Using your finger pads will keep you from breaking your hair, scratching your scalp and messing up your style too much. Then restyle, re-spray (if you use it) and go…

Break Day: Get into the habit of giving your hair a break once a week. It is not necessary to wash your hair every day (unless you are a teenager, have a dirty job or work up a real sweat every day). If you are over the age of 20, and do not have any rashes or infections (like dandruff), give your hair a break for a whole day. Pick a day where you normally do not go out, or just do housework and run errands. Do not wash with shampoo and do not heat style. If you just feel too grubby and must do something, after brushing your hair thoroughly to distribute the sebum, simply wet your hair, apply a little daily conditioner to the ends, rinse well, and then pull back into a “wet look” ponytail or bun. Give your hair a break from shampooing once a week, and whenever possible, from blow-drying and heat styling.

Conditioning Treatments: Unless you have very fine, limp hair, get into the habit of applying a deep conditioning treatment to your hair once a week. Deep conditioners are not the same as daily conditioners, and homemade preparations work really well. Coconut oil is especially good for hair conditioning. Brush your hair, wash it lightly, and then towel dry. Apply your deep conditioner and then wrap your head in a heated towel to open the hair cuticle and allow the conditioner to soak in. Leave for 10 minutes to half and hour. Then rinse thoroughly in warm water to remove the conditioner residue that remains, then cool water to close the hair cuticle. Rinsing your hair in cool water can be a little uncomfortable, but it can do amazing things for the appearance of your hair. It closes the hair cuticle close to the shaft, which increases shine and manageability, and helps to keep hair strong. A mixture of cool water and lemon juice is even better for shine and strength (a half of a teaspoon of lemon juice in two quarts of cool water is sufficient).

Daily Conditioner: Get into the habit of applying a daily conditioner to hair ends every time you shampoo. This will reduce slit ends, discoloration when coloring, damage when heat styling and reduce the need for frequent trims. Use a product designed for thermal styling if you frequently blow-dry, use a curling iron or hot rollers.

Haircuts: Get into the habit of getting your hair trimmed when it needs to be. Again, this reduces split ends and keeps excess weight off your hair (which can cause breakage). About once every 8 weeks is right for shoulder length or longer hair, once every 6 weeks for shorter styles.

Up-Dos: Yep, that’s right – if you have long hair and want to keep it that way – put your hair up when possible. I’m not suggesting you look like an librarian every day, but one of the reasons that women grew such long beautiful hair back in the “old days” is because they wore it up all the time. The weight of your hair can stimulate the start of the telogen phase. When hair is weighed down and very long, it stops growing and falls out, or simply breaks off. Putting your hair up frequently will keep that weight off the root of the hair. You can pin it up gently with bobby pins or a banana clip when running errands, doing housework, cooking dinner, doing yard work, messing around on your computer, watching TV, etc. Now, this depends on your hair style and hair length. If you have a short hairstyle, this step is not only unnecessary – it’s impossible. However, if you have shoulder length or longer hair, and want it to be as thick and healthy looking as possible, make it a point to put it up and keep the weight off your scalp. The other upside is that it will help keep the hair out of dinner.

How to Wash Your Hair

Believe it or not, there is a right way to wash your hair. Treat it like the finest silk! If you’ve ever made the mistake of running a pair of expensive silk hose through your washing machine, you’ll know what I mean.

Here a few tips for avoid causing any excess damage to your hair while washing it:

1. Let your hair hang naturally when you wash it; either standing in the shower or with your head leaning over the bath, or in a shampoo sink. NEVER – NEVER – NEVER – pile it up on your head to wash.

2. Wet your hair with warm water (not hot) to prepare it for shampooing. Keep the pressure on the showerhead gentle enough to avoid excess water pressure on your hair.

3. Pour shampoo into the palm of your hand.

4. Work the shampoo into a lather in your hand, and apply to your scalp. Work the shampoo into your scalp all over your head by massaging with your fingertips (not your fingernails). Move fingers from one area of your head to the other by lifting the fingers and then placing them elsewhere on your head. Do NOT drag them through your hair. Remember, hair is the most vulnerable to damage and breakage when it is wet. If your hair is particularly dirty or oily, you can work the shampoo through to the ends. If your hair is very dry or processed, you may just want to wash your scalp, and let the shampoo pick up any dirt or oil on the ends as it’s rinsed out.

5. Rinse hair thoroughly with lukewarm water. Ensure that you allow it to hang naturally. You may spread it out gently with your fingertips if it’s long and needs extra help getting out the shampoo.

6. If you chose to use a rinse-out conditioner, this is the time. Unlike shampooing, apply conditioners to the ends of your hair, and if your hair is generally dry, apply the remainder on your hands gently to the roots. Repeat the rinse.

7. Towel dry gently. The new hair towel wraps are excellent, keep hair in place and aren’t heavy like a towel wrap so there’s less risk of breakage to your hair.

8. Once hair is towel-dried you can apply a leave-in conditioner.

9. ALWAYS comb wet hair with a wide-tooth comb- NEVER brush wet hair.

10. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER sleep on wet hair – it is vulnerable when wet, and can break easily as you turn on your pillow. Even if it doesn’t break, it roughs up the cuticle and makes it look dull.

11. Air dry hair whenever possible.

With just a little care and attention, you can have the lush and lovely locks you deserve. Treat your hair like the finest silk and it will reward you with shine, body and brilliance.

Emm Barker :)

Emm Barker: Anti Aging Skin Care

If you’ve ever tried to find a skin care product to deal with the skin care concerns of aging skin, you’re probably as confused as the average person. There are so many products and ingredients that tout ‘increase in this’, ‘decrease in that’ , ‘revitalized this and revitalized that’ and on and on and on. Many empty promises or over-hyped formulations.

In order to understand what anti-aging skin care products are intended to do, you have to first understand about what the aging process is for skin. Aging skin has the condition where the structural proteins that bind and support the skin, collagen and elastin, lose their resiliency and cohesion, causing the skin to wrinkle and/or sag. The body’s ability to produce new collagen and elastin also diminishes with age while the cells in the various layers of our skin decline and thin, loosing the ability to adequately maintain moisture. Without proper hydration, the healing mechanisms of the skin cease to function, adversely affecting the skin’s ability to receive nutrients and repair itself. The result is rough, lose, wrinkled skin.

Of course, we all want to have the best skin possible at any age and are searching for solutions to maintain our skin’s youthfulness. In our quest and with the constant marketing and advancements in skin care, it can sometimes be difficult to find an affordable and effective solution for great skin care.

However, what you need to know is that it doesn’t have to be that complex (as many of the product name suggest!). What you should consider is that what any skin care program should be is simple. That’s it, just simple. The results that we all want are simple: soft, smooth, clear, radiant, younger-looking skin.

Too much of the time now days, skin care marketers are trying to convenience consumers that they need formulations that no average consumer can understand, or day and night products, or formulations that highly successful, well-known personalities would use. If you think about it, how many products do you currently have in your storage that were purchased because of these marketing strategies?

With these types of advertising, there are so many re-touches and questionable representation of the product effectiveness because the personality also receives so many other types of services and procedures that impact the condition of skin that you really cannot know the true results that the highly marketed products will bring.

The positive side of the situation is that there are constant and ever evolving advances in skin care and we all have the option for our skin condition improving with age.

If you are looking for a skin care program, there are some guidelines you may want to consider when making your skin care choices:

Protect your skin while you are in the sun and extreme weather. Use properprotection.

Drink lots of water. It’s so important for proper skin hydration and keeping your body clean from toxins and other chemicals that could cause adverse reactions in your skin.

You should know what you are using on your skin. If you can’t pronounce the majority of the ingredients or there are more than 5 or 6 ingredients, then it may be too complex for what your skin actually needs. Skin care that uses these types of formulations are full of fillers, coloring, preservatives, and chemicals that are not beneficial for your skin and come with a high price where the consumer is paying for the filler more so than the active ingredients. These types of ingredients are only needed to fill up the bottle and make it appealing to smell or touch. Sometimes products will contain multiple active ingredients but in order to formulate these ingredients, it requires that other ingredients be added. You end up paying for something your skin cannot use. The cheaper ingredients are filling up the bottle. Try a similar approach to how you would choose your food (skin is ‘live cells’ and needs nourishment). Watch the labels and choose products with skin healthy formulations where the active ingredients are 80% of the ingredients.

You should use a good and effective cleanser. This is the most important step in your skin care process. Many cleansing products do not leave your skin feeling smooth and deeply cleansed. Find a product that goes deep into the pores, provides light exfoliation and conditioning, and does not leave any residue. Applying moisturizers and treatments on top of skin that is not completely clean will just make the problem worse by clogging pores and showing a rough, uneven skin texture.

You should be able to adjust your program to meet your skin’s daily needs. If you can’t adjust the use of the products to match what your skin needs on a particular day, are you really getting what you need? Your program should be able to hydrate, heal, and renew your skin. You should see this gradual improvement everyday and not have to wait 30 to 60 days for results. It’s like watering a plant. A plant that needs water as a critical nutrient will respond immediately to the water being absorbed through its roots and perk up within a few hours. Watch your skin for a week or so and you’ll know how effective the program can ultimately be for your skin care needs.

You should be able to quickly go through your regime. It should not takemore than 5 minutes. A skin care program should include the steps to cleanse, exfoliate, treat and/or moisturize. You should be able to pick and choose what you need based on you skin’s current condition for that day.

You should not be able to feel the product on your skin. In order for skin care to really be effective, it must penetrate the skin cells. Product sitting on top of your skin is product that is not penetrating the skin layers. Products with fillers and other unnecessary, complex formulations will may not get deep or directly enough to provide the treatment and results you are looking for. You should not know that you are wearing your skin care.

You should feel comfortable with makeup optional skin. If your skin care is really working, your skin will improve and you will not want to put makeup on it if you don’t have to. Most skin problems are correctable to a large degree. You should be able to go out feeling confident that your skin is at its best (with minimal makeup) no matter what your age is. Also, by using makeup less, you are giving your skin more time to repair and restore itself without the interruption of other product chemicals on your skin.

lundi 21 avril 2014

7 Steps to Great Makeup

Hi this is Emm Barker, and my new Article fro you :
'7 Steps to Great Makeup'
1. Avoid wearing too much
Makeup is meant to enhance features not bring negative attention to you. That’s what wearing too much makeup will do; it will bring you unwanted attention. Don’t wear too much of anything such as:
i) Eyeliner: dark, thick eyeliner will make you look overdone and will ruin the rest of your makeup.
ii) Mascara: too much mascara looks fake and will flake. It looks especially bad if worn with thick eyeliner or dark blue eye eye shadow.
iii) Foundation: Make sure your foundation is the same color as your skin. Foundation is meant to protect and give the face a smooth look. The magic word is blend.
iv) Powder:The same holds true for powder – not too much. Also, be sure to blend your makeup so there are no obvious lineS

2. Lips
Apply lip liner to completely cover the lips, add color and your lipstick will stay on much longer. Make sure your lip liner doesn’t show. Also, your lip color should match your skin tone; wear cool colors if you have cool coloring and warm colors if you have warm coloring. If you want to make your lips look smaller, keep your liner on the inside of your lips. However, if you decide to make your lips look larger, going outside the natural outline of you lips is a mistake. This can look quite messy and unnatural.

3. Appropriate makeup
Wear makeup that is appropriate for the occasion. If you are going to the beach you shouldn’t wear the same or as much makeup as you would if you were going dancing. Also, when you are in daylight your makeup should be a lighter than when you are out for the evening.

4. Too little or no makeup
Some women don’t wear makeup because they are not sure how to use it and are afraid of being overdone. If you are unsure, start will light colours in your shade. Start slowly and add one product at a time. Maybe start with foundation, add mascara, blush or lipstick. If you are not used to wearing makeup, using a lot a first may be a little too much for you, so start slowly. The bottom line is a little is better than none. If you are still unsure seek professional advice.

5. Overall look
When your makeup is completed it should look natural. That means avoiding colours that clash. If you have dark skin and hair you will look better in darker shades; light colours will make you look washed out. If your hair and skin tone are light, light colours will look better on you. Dark makeup will make you look older and harsh. If you have oily skin, first use oil control moisturizer and foundation. Then be sure to wear loose powder, keeping pressed powder with you for touch ups.

6. Hair color
Your hair color should also be in harmony with your skin. If you have dark hair and you want to add color, keep it close to the same shade. If you have light hair, use light colors. As you age your skin will lighten, so should your hair color. One last thing about hair color – if you do color you hair be sure you keep it up, don’t let your roots show.

Keep makeup looking fresh all day by doing regular touch ups. Don’t let your makeup fade or crease. Smile!!

How To Cleanse Your Makeup At The End Of The Day?

The prettiest makeup finish starts with the cleanest skin. The first step to clean, clear skin is thoroughly removing makeup with the right products. There’s certainly no shortage of products to choose from. It’s best to pick the one that’s made for your skin type. Here are some popular options.

The two simple rules for choosing a makeup removal product are: don’t use something that’s too harsh on your skin and avoid cleansers that leave a greasy residue. Beyond that, the right one for you depends on how you expect the product to perform. If you have dry, flaky skin, use an exfoliating or a moisturizing cleanser. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, a product with salicylic acid may be the one for you.

Simply the Best makeup remover claims to take off even the most stubborn makeup, like semi-permanent eyeliner and waterproof mascara, without all the scrubbing and rubbing that can irritate sensitive skin. Ponds offers Clean Sweep Cleansing & Makeup-Removing Towelettes. This cleanser comes in the form of a moist wipe that contains natural ingredients like green tea ginseng, cucumber extract, aloe, cornflower and chamomile in addition to cleansers. This product requires no rinsing, just wipe your face with the cloth and throw it in the trash when you’re finished.

Generally, any cleanser with do double duty as a face-makeup remover. However, the eyes are usually a different story for a couple of reasons: The skin around the eye is especially sensitive and some cleansers may irritate the eyeball itself. Not many products are marketed solely as face-makeup removers, but many say they are exclusively for taking off eye makeup.

Kiehl’s Supremely Gentle Eye Makeup Remover is said to clean fast and rinse completely. Nivea’s Visage Eye Makeup Remover works well and is inexpensive. It sounds oversimplified, but it’s not a bad idea to gauge a product by the effort it takes to work. Your lashes have a higher purpose than just making your eyes look pretty. Excessive scrubbing can inflame the eye and break or pull out lashes you need to protect your eyes from debris.

If you can’t seem to find just what you’re looking for in a store-brought product, have no fear, for home remedies abound. A baking soda paste will take off stubborn substances, like stage makeup and dark lipstick. No-tear formula baby shampoo cleans without irritation or residue. Applying a small amount of olive oil with a soft cloth will remove makeup and leave lashes shiny and moisturized. The same result can be achieved with baby oil, but it’s more likely to leave behind a film, as is Vaseline. If you prefer an oilier product, you can follow it up with an astringent, just be very careful not to get any in your eye.

samedi 19 avril 2014

The Perfect Way To Care For your Skin

Everywhere I go people are asking me what is the pure skin care plan to follow? Is there even such a thing? Sorry to disappoint you, but if there is such a thing, I don’t know what it is.

Let me be the first to say, that there is no perfect anything in this world let alone skincare routines. It varies greatly between individuals. There are so many components that come into play such as the person’s skin type, whether they have acne, blemishes, or any other skin marks or conditions, etc.

Another thing that may affect a person’s selection in skin care products is whether they have undergone a surgical procedure of sorts recently. If you are taking other skin care products at the moment, sometimes the preparations will clash with other products.

If you are a adult female and you are in the premenstrual stages, it may also affect your skin to varying degrees. Another thing to consider is the seasonal changes and the differences in requirements that these changes bring with it.

For instance, skincare in the winter time is majorly different from the summer’s. During the winter times your skin will probably be more dry or normal and you will most likely need to use moisturizers to keep your skin soft.

And during the summer months you will need to worry about things such as tanning lotion and using cleansers and exfoliators to clean off sweat and debris that gathers up when you are in movement.

Some people opt for vitamin C formulations to improve the health and youthfulness of their skin while others may use glycolic acid if there are signs of blackheads appearing. Salicylic acid is an option individuals use during the four stages of a menstrual cycle. Generally speaking, try using exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and to make room for new skins to grow out.

As you can probably tell by now, there are a wide selection of skin care products on the market catering to every imaginable need. The most important thing is to sit down and ask yourself what you need now, and also in terms of prevention of things like wrinkles or blemishes in the future.

It is suggested to speak with your dermatologist before following any skin care routine. Also you should take counsel with a professional if you plan on changing your routine very often or seasonally. This way you can save time, money, and also prevent any number of mistakes and mishaps that could adversely affect your skin- rendering all your efforts outdated.